About me

About me

I am just a simple man, carrying around his laptop in a backpack. I don’t know how it all started, but I think that was the beginning of my love for backpacking since childhood. Now I see myself as a programmer and a backpacker with a passion for travel. More precisely a passion for backpacking.

BackPackerCarWorld is my dream as I created this blog to share my experiences and what I know about backpacking.

The idea of starting a blog came to me when I kept thinking how awesome it would be if all the information was available in one place; rather than searching for different blogs or forums to get all the information you need.

I hope that by reading my post and following this blog, you will find helpful information about backpacking.

May be an image of one or more people, tree and outdoors

Earlier, I was one with a lot of suffering, a loner without a direction in life. In 2018 I decided to start being an active member of the volunteer group that helps small things, such as clothes, books, and bicycles, to children in poor areas.

This is not a diary about everything I’ve done but it’s the story of my life. If you are anything like me, this blog will be helpful for you.

Call it destiny, the meaning of life to me is in the smallest and most sincere deeds. The happiest moment was when I saw children who finally received gifts that they were excited about, even if it only meant a simple chocolate bar to them. Maybe at that very moment, I didn’t cry but my soul overflowed with tears since sadness is quite in tune with the poor conditions in which these kids live.

I sincerely believe each person has his or her own meaning of life. You can find your own pathway towards it by loving yourself, loving other people around you, and living in harmony with nature.

BackPackerCarWorld may be also mental preparation to start traveling and see the world. It’s a part of my soul, I hope you will find your own path, your own meaning of life through this blog.


Our group consists of members each is carrying his or her own burdens. Despite all the difficulties, their understanding of each other’s experiences helps us persevere in our travels.

We are very lucky to have found one another at a time when we really needed it. It is said that with companions you can find common ground in even the most complex debates. I think this is true because I always learn something new from them about their lives and cultures with which they are completely different from me.

It would be hard for me to imagine life without my friends who are an important part of my journey, with whom I share happiness and sadness.

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I’m not sure where I started but what I know for certain is that everyone did a lot of volunteering that lead to forming our precious group called LBUM (LanBanhUocMo). Currently, our group is a versatile group with different members from different parts of the country. We have been to places where we didn’t expect to see a smile on people’s faces, but that is the beauty of life and traveling!

We decided upon a name for our group that represents who we are: BackPackerCarWorld! And our slogan is “Browse this blog to get inspiration about backpacking”.

“Traveling combined with volunteering is always what I aim for”.

With traveling I made peace with myself, I see the beautiful side of the world and filled my life with value. Every journey is a precious experience!

In this blog, you will find information about backpacking from preparation to learning more about cultures in other countries. Further, you will find useful tips on how to travel as much as possible for low cost or even free.

I hope that by reading my post and following this blog, you will find helpful information about backpacking. More importantly, you will be able to,

  • Feel Matured
  • Get Close to Nature
  • Understand the World Better
  • Find Your True Self

I am always ready for new information and friends! Traveling is not the end of life; it’s a chance for us to become wiser and stronger in many ways. Best wishes on your trip ahead!

Covid-19 is really hard for everyone in the world, we’ve been tough with it too. In order to share the stories, the journeys I went through, as well as many others, I have created BackPackerCarWorld.Com as a platform to share my experiences and to encourage everyone out there.  BackPackerCarWorld.Com domain was formerly an information site mainly for backpackers to search and rent cars around the world. Currently, BackPackerCarWorld plans on sharing more, not only as a place to find cars for backpacking but also a place for:

– Sharing travel experiences and especially backpacking, and volunteering tourism.

– Sharing beautiful places worth experiencing in the world.

Lessons and feelings about life in regions when traveling and backpacking.

my friend enjoy in the trip

I’d also like to share those things that make my heart beat stronger like good news or some kind of improvement in life. Through these blogs, you can find some lessons to help overcome difficult moments in your lives; often the tiniest act has the biggest value over time!

Thank you very much for being part of BackPackerCarWorld.Com since today. I hope that by reading through this post, useful information about backpacking can be found. You can leave your comments below!

Join with BackPackerCarWorld in sharing your stories.

Connect with me via BackPackerCarWorld.Com

#BackPackerCarWorld #BackPacker #BackPacking

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