12 Ways to Help You Set Goals for a Year of Happy Hiking – Tips for a Successful Hike

12 Ways to Help You Set Goals for a Year of Happy Hiking – Tips for a Successful Hike

This article is a simple guide on how you can set goals for a year of happy hiking. Hikers know how crucial it is to be motivated to keep ongoing. It can also be challenging for some people to find the motivation they need even when there are so many reasons why they should get out of their homes and go hiking.

When hikers get more serious about their outdoor adventures, they often set goals that help them stay focused throughout the year. By setting SMART goals, hikers won’t ever lose motivation because these goals are achievable.

Mountain Hiker | Image Source – Pexels

Why is it Important to Set Goals for a Year of Happy Hiking?

Setting goals is important because it helps you stay on track and achieve the things that matter to you. Hikers who set short-term, mid-term, or long-term goals are more productive. You will also know what to expect if your hiked trails didn’t turn out as well as expected. The experience can lead you to make changes for next time.

Benefits of Setting goals as a Hiker;

1. There are so many things to do and you will accomplish more by jotting them down on paper.

2. You can prepare yourself for the excitement that comes with achieving your goals especially when it’s difficult.

3. You will be able to assess whether or not you should continue to pursue what you’re doing if you fail to achieve one of your set goals.

4. It drives you outside which leads to weight loss, better health, and getting rid of stress because hiking is a free sport that doesn’t require expensive equipment or membership fees just sign up online today!

How do I set SMART goals?

Noting Down Goals | Image Source – Pexels

S –  Setting Specific, M – Measurable, A – Achievable, R – Relevant, and T – Timely Goals.

1.  You must write down what you need to accomplish at the end of the year. For example Hike 5 trails in 2022

2.  What will be your approach? Will it be short and easy hikes or long and challenging ones… Think about how much time you have for hiking next year and plan accordingly.

3.  List out all of the areas that you want to focus on like improving your speed when hiking, losing weight by cutting down sugar intake…. If they’re difficult, break them into smaller chunks that are more manageable for easier tracking.

4. Make sure that they are realistic and achievable. If you set unrealistic goals then you will only be disappointed in the end.

5.  You must also consider timelines for your goals. For example, if you need to lose weight before summer, make sure that your goal is realistic enough taking into consideration the time needed to achieve it.

Always keep track of your progress by updating it on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis depending on what suits you best! Happy Trails!!

12 Ways to Set Goals for a Year of Happy Hiking

Hiking in Your Dream Destination | Image Source – Pexels

1. Identify Your Next Adventure by Jotting Down the Hikes You’d Like to Do…

Jotting down your next adventure will allow you to have prior knowledge of what to expect and prepare you for the adventure ahead.

2. If You Fail To Achieve a Goal…

Don’t beat yourself up over it! Instead, learn from your mistakes and try to do better next time! It’s important not to give up on your dreams even if you don’t reach them once because there will always be a next time!

3. Setting Specific, Measurable, and Achievable Goals…

By following this guide for goal-setting; your goals will be achievable and you won’t’ encounter any difficulties along the way.

4. Be Realistic with Your Goals…

Don’t set unrealistic goals like climbing Mount Everest overnight or hiking 20 miles a day if you’ve never hiked before… Challenge yourself but set achievable goals.

5.  Make the Hike Fun By Bringing Along Your Friends…

Hiking with Friends | Image Source – Pexels

Hiking with friends can make the experience entertaining and adventurous! You may even discover new places if you go on trails that you would not necessarily go to by yourself.

6. Schedule Your Hikes!

If you do so, it means that there is no way that something can come up when unexpected which would result in postponing or canceling your altogether when life gets in the way.

7. Make Sure that You’re Physically and Mentally Prepared for Your Hike!

Your mental strength to push through challenges will help you accomplish more than you ever thought possible and the physical part will make it easier for you because hiking is all about endurance! Endurance can be built up with practice and by following a healthy diet!

8. Allot Time for Your Workout to Keep Track of How Much You’ve Done.

Allocating time for workouts will keep you intact while letting you touch the base and make you feel confident.

9. Carry Necessary Hiking Gear

Make sure to set out on the hike with the necessary equipment like water, food, and sunscreen! And don’t forget your camera! You will be surprised by all of the beautiful scenes that nature has in store for you!

10. Focus on Achieving the Desired Shape of Your Body

If you want to lose weight, hiking is a great way to burn fat and stay lean! It’s also a great stress reliever and allows you to connect with nature like no other activity!

11. Let Your Goals Inspire You and Help Motivate You on Your Path Towards Achieving Them!

Whether it be climbing the tallest peak in Yosemite or conquering that 5-mile hike that you’ve been putting off for months, break them into smaller chunks and set out towards achieving those goals!

12. Don’t Forget to Reward Yourself for Finishing Your Goal or Even Taking a Step Closer to It

This is because sometimes all we need is a little motivation and nothing beats self-motivation than rewarding oneself with something simple but meaningful!

9 Essential Hiking Gear to Consider when You Set Goals for a Year of Happy Hiking

  • Navigation – This is a very important part of hiking because you will need to know where your going when on the trails… Maps, compasses and GPS are tools that are commonly used for navigation.
  • Sun Protection – You have to protect yourself from the sun when you go out hiking so don’t forget the sunscreen! Other ways of protecting yourself is by wearing sunglasses, bringing an umbrella or a hat with you.
  • First-Aid Kit – This will save you from a whole lot of trouble so it’s important to prepare yourself for any emergencies that may arise and prevent the situation from becoming worse.
  • Water Bottle and Water Treatment – You need clean water on your hike because dehydration can occur really quickly if not treated on time! Always bring along a water bottle and be prepared to treat your water before you drink it.
  • Food – Bring along some snacks just in case you get hungry or if you plan on hiking for an extended period of time because sometimes there are no restaurants around while on the trails!
  • Topographic Maps – These are maps that have details about topography so they are much more accurate than regular maps and they will help you navigate better in the trails.
  • Headlamp – A headlamp is useful for hikes that start early in the morning… It will give you the ability to see where you are going without holding on to a flashlight or having your hands occupied with other things.
  • Gaiters – Gaiters keep rocks, mud and sticks out of your boots which prevents them from getting worn down prematurely.
  • Hiking Poles – Hiking poles are helpful on long hikes especially if you have knee problems or other serious medical conditions that may cause you issues while on the trail. They help with balance, stability and even weight distribution which makes hiking more comfortable.

Habits to Avoid when You Set Goals for Hiking

Be Positive when Setting Goals | Image Source – Pexels


It is a silent killer of your dreams and hence it has to be treated with the utmost importance… Do not be bored when you are hiking because boredom can lead to inattentiveness, impatience, and eventually quitting which is not something that you would want to experience.


Don’t let yourself think negatively or say things like “I can’t do this” or “It’s too hard” because those kinds of thoughts will only hinder you from achieving your goals.


If you find yourself rushing and putting pressure on yourself to get things done then just take a step back and relax… You don’t want stressful situations to lead to bad decisions that can even become fatal.

Setting Unrealistic Goals

Always set realistic goals and don’t aim or assume things that you cannot achieve… For example, if you never hiked 10 miles in one day before then don’t plan on hiking 20 miles tomorrow.

Hiking is an activity that should be enjoyed and experienced to the fullest… Your goals should reflect that philosophy and motivate you to see beyond your comfort zones into a world of possibilities and opportunities that are filled with things to do, see, and most importantly new experiences!


In conclusion, there are plenty of things to consider when you set goals for a year of happy hiking. The year just started and planning would be a great way to spend your time so why not set some goals?

Moreover, check out essential hiking gear as Lifestraw Personal Water Filter for Hiking and Windproof gloves for Hiking to stay put while you have fun on trails.

Hike Today.  Dream Later. 

Lauren De Almeida

Lauren De Almeida

I am a passionate author. I like traveling and hence contribute to this travel blog with interest. Moreover, I enjoy writing articles on travel, cuisine, lifestyle, and culture. For me, this is an interesting art to explore new places, meet new people and learn about their lifestyles. All my publishing on this site contributes to encouraging everyone out there to get out and explore the world around you. Through this site, I intend on delivering the latest travel news, updates, and other interesting information to readers. Enjoy!

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